Employer-Driven Model at Per Scholas helps Joetta launch a successful career in tech at Signature Partner Nationwide
Scanning the giant cork board at the employment center in Columbus, Ohio, Joetta found the postcard advertising Per Scholas’ CompTIA A+ training. There were hundreds of postings with similar education and job training opportunities, but Joetta decided to give Per Scholas a chance. She grabbed the postcard along with a few others. Skeptical of the “free” statement the Per Scholas course offered, she said to herself, “If it’s no more than $10,000, I can probably pull the funds together to make it work.”
Joetta was determined to launch a career in technology and breakaway from the seasonal tax worker job she relied on for income in the past. With a teenage son, she wanted to provide him a path to college that wasn’t burdened by the financial obstacles. Obstacles that were all too familiar to her. She relied on student loans in her previous attempt at college–from which she never obtained a degree, only some credits due to the extreme expense.
In each step of the application process to Per Scholas, Joetta continued to ask: Is there financial aid? What portions are not free? What will this cost me?
“I still to this day cannot believe everything I received from Per Scholas was offered free of charge to me. The quality of the certifications, the ongoing support from the staff, the instructor was so effective. Other places offering just the certifications charge $10,000 and up.” Joetta graduated in 2014 and within weeks was hired by our Signature Partner, Nationwide as a Help Desk Analyst. Her first job ever in I.T.
The employer-driven job training model at Per Scholas relies heavily on our relationships with the business sector. Through industry leadership, employee volunteers, donating resources and funding, and hiring our graduates Nationwide provides invaluable support Per Scholas students and graduates. Joetta can attest firsthand to the company’s exceptional commitment.
“When I was a few weeks into my training at Per Scholas, we were each assigned to a mentor from Nationwide. I stayed in touch with mine regularly. She was always so responsive. I kept her updated on my application process when I pursued the job. Now that I am there she is still constantly supporting me. We speak every two weeks.”
Both Michelle and a number of staff managers have encouraged Joetta on her journey. She has received positive feedback with regard to her quality of work and her strong work ethic. “Everyone is just so happy here. They work as a team here and I really love that.”
Joetta continuously surprised herself during the first few weeks on the job. For instance, she knew how to reset a password, set-up a ticket in the ticketing system, and set-up a new employee in the system. She told us, “‘I know that! I get that!’ It was great to get to use what I learned in class. Mr. Miao burned this knowledge into my brain,” she shares with pride.
Entering this process with skepticism and now a working graduate able to pay off her college loans, Joetta is now a natural ambassador and tells everyone she knows where she got her training: “Go to Per Scholas!” Her Aunt graduated from the course following her lead.
Joetta still stops by the Per Scholas offices and is always greeted with joy and support, “We never forget about you” they say. Joetta expressed, “It’s unbelievable to me. Other programs say that and fall short. At Per Scholas, they mean it.”
“That is part of why I can’t believe I got all of this for free! It’s too good to be true!”
To learn more about Joetta, click here.
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