Meet our Alumni
Discover how our Alumni have unlocked their potential through our no-cost technical training.

Deja Craft
Computer Systems Engineer
Software Engineering
Per Scholas has completely changed my entire life. That little 8-year-old girl who was at one point homeless is now breaking barriers in the tech industry. It’s something that is unbelievable to me…I have to give all the grace to Per Scholas for this because I did not have the confidence in myself; I didn’t even think it was possible for someone that looked like me to get into tech.

Weiwei Lin
Packaged App Development Associate
at Accenture
Columbus, OH
Tech Women of Color in Software Engineering
In the class, we didn’t only learn coding...They teach coding very well and that is important, but the most important thing to me was gaining my confidence. I realized - I can learn and do something challenging, I can trust myself, and I can even help other people!

Steven Reyes
Helpdesk Technician
at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
Chicago, IL
IT Support
It’s amazing to see what Per Scholas does for people. Essentially bringing them from knowing nothing about tech or hardware or software, and preparing them to be able to enter the industry…Per Scholas really solidified my pathway into entering the technology industry. It’s allowed me to build the sort of life I want for myself and my future.

Amber Braaten
Infrastructure Analyst
at Master Electronics
Phoenix, AZ
IT Support
Per Scholas has really changed my life in so many ways. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. There is no other school that can do as much for their learners as Per Scholas.

Kristina Boateng
Senior IAM Cyber Security Analyst
at Flagstar Bank
Detroit, MI
Desktop Support; Alumni Upskilling: Cybersecurity
Per Scholas has definitely been a heaven-send to me and my family. It has brought me so far to where I am today. I definitely recommend Per Scholas to everybody. If you’re ready to take that leap and do what’s best for you, your family, your finances, register for Per Scholas, and see where you go from there. Work hard, and you’ll get whatever good is coming to you.

Andre Yates
Software Developer
at Capgemini
Newark, NJ
Java Developer
As I was applying and going through interviews, there was a gap between where my college education brought me and where companies expected me to know things about the technology industry. Per Scholas taught me so much that I wasn’t able to learn in school.

Jadah Stone
IT Support Specialist
at Casper
Brooklyn, NY
IT Support
Per Scholas provided really amazing resources for people that might not have otherwise been able to have an opportunity like this.

Simon Ayim
Per Scholas is helping people from underserved neighborhoods and giving us this training for free! They never asked for anything back - only asked for us to put in the work.

Haaji Peace
at Bank of America
IT Support
Considering candidates like me who trained through alternative routes motivates me to work hard and gain experience on the job. Graduates like me want to grow in our careers.

Natasha Hurditt
IT Support
I feel like programs like this are definitely imperative because you have these underserved communities - a lot of people that literally just need opportunity, and opportunity doesn't always come by so easily.

Jasmin Smith
Digital Measures Programmer
Dallas, TX
Software Engineering
Per Scholas is actually preparing people for what they are going to do in the job field right now. They are really giving you all the resources, all the professional development, all of the training hands-on to be able to jump right into the workforce and actually be a member of your team that can contribute…Honestly, there is nothing like Per Scholas.

Sara Peña
Software Developer
Software Engineering
You can teach someone how to code, but you cannot teach passion or drive, and that is what my Per Scholas colleagues and I have.

Christopher Rivera
Help Desk Associate
at Vinfen Corp
Boston, MA
IT Support
After Per Scholas, I was suddenly getting interviews because Per Scholas is well-known and reputable. It has been night and day in terms of the difference between before and after Per Scholas.

Angel Hursey
Web Developer
Application Support Management
Going through the training - it was vigorous and challenging. If I didn't have the support from the Per Scholas team and fellow learners, I would have probably given up.

Hope Shurba
Associate Technology Support Technician
at Lowe's Companies, Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina
IT Support
I think that anyone can do this course. As long as you are dedicated and willing to put in the work, and you’re able to study - if you put as much time into Per Scholas as they put into you, then you will succeed.

Jarred Gaines
Customer Support Analyst
Boston, MA
AWS re-Start
Per Scholas gave me a restart in life and it allowed me to rebuild that confidence and enter a field where I can make a competitive income to sustain myself in Boston.

Shante Austin
Full Stack Software Engineer
Software Engineering
As a single parent, I wasn’t making enough money to afford to go to a coding boot camp. When I found Per Scholas, it challenged me, and though it wasn’t easy, it was worth it. I graduated debt-free and could be an example to my daughter.

Sadaf Haroon
Software Engineer
Software Engineering
Per Scholas made it easier for me to learn and now I am an earning member of my family. What can be greater than that?

LeClair Boone
NC Tech Paths Manager
at Wilkes County Community College
Charlotte, NC
Java Developer
I am applying everything Per Scholas taught me. Coming in, I didn't have a blueprint or frame of reference for the industry - but I have that now.

Veronica Vergara
Technology Software Engineering Associate
End User Desktop Support
What I think makes up a well-rounded employee is both soft skills and technical skills, and I think Per Scholas has really developed a great way to round those out.

Rachel Powe
Jr. Software Engineer
at Capgemini
Atlanta, GA
Software Engineer
During my training at Per Scholas there was a ton of support, especially from the other women and other non-traditional learners that also had the same thoughts I had. They told me it’s not too late to go into doing what you really want to do.

Julie Meral
IT Support Specialist
IT Support
I am so thankful for Per Scholas, and for this country. If my story can encourage even one person, it is enough for me and I would feel happy.

Tara Jacobs
IT Service Desk Technician
at Arrive Logistics
Austin, TX
CompTIA A+
I never really knew how to communicate professionally or sell myself in an interview, but with the management and development team at Per Scholas, I was able to build on my mindset, my character, and my technical skills. I am grateful for Per Scholas in many ways.

Kyle Gordon
Help Desk Associate
Network Support
Going to Per Scholas and being introduced to information technology is more than just getting something done or trying something new. It’s an investment in yourself.

Randy Cordova
Network Associate Field Services
at Dataprise
Denver, CO
IT Support
My whole cohort was so intelligent, and the teachers were great. I think this really changed my life.

Akida Harris
Customer Engineer
at NCR Corporation
Boston, MA
IT Support
Even though it was a little challenging, I overcame that and I was able to finish and graduate because of the instructors and learners that gave me a lot of encouragement.

Fabianna Rodríguez-Mercado
Chief of Staff, Cyber Security
at Citi
New York, NY
Network Support
Instead of being afraid of the tech world...there's a lot to learn, but I think there's a community of students, professors, and administration. And we all know why we are there.

Daler Bobodzhanov
Software Engineer
at Capgemini
New York, NY
Software Engineering
When you understand this is an immersive course that is traditionally taught in 4 years, completed in 12 - 16 weeks, and put in the effort, you will be on the right path for your career.

Mira Winkel
Data Engineer
at Slalom Build
Seattle, WA
Java Developer
It's huge knowing that I don't just have a beginner skill set. I have a very focused skill set that is highly in demand. Per Scholas gave me the base of my knowledge to go out and be successful.

Henry Luong
IT Support Technician
IT Support
The teachers were super knowledgeable, very friendly, and helpful if you had any questions. I am so thankful for this opportunity to get my life back together.

Stephanie Stevenson
Software Developer
at Capgemini
Charlotte, NC
Java Developer
Per Scholas really set the pace; it was so rigorous and fast-paced that I can go right into this job and keep up.

Adam Kwong
Senior Tech Support Associate
at Infosys
San Francisco, CA
End User Computing
I found it hopeful to see such a wide array of people from everywhere and all backgrounds come together to improve themselves and learn the tech material.

Matt Yamarino
Full-Stack Developer
at Cognizant
Dallas, TX
Quality Engineering
I worked 12 hours straight nearly every day, weekends included, and missed out on the lives of my friends and family. Per Scholas helped me to discover both a career path and how to have a work-life balance so that I could spend time with my loved ones.

Chris Potti
Software Engineer
at Capgemini
Atlanta, GA
Software Engineering
At a certain point as I looked into tech, I really started to get interested in software engineering and decided that was what I was going to do and that I was going to do whatever it took. Once I had that mindset, I looked at Per Scholas as more of an opportunity than a challenge.

Autumn Truong
Java Developer
I was able to connect with amazing individuals. All the learners were so talented and inspired me to do better myself. I learned a lot of things, and I feel like I was able to grow, not just professionally, but as a person.

Rachael Williams
IT Support
I don’t know any other course that does this; we were introduced into the world of IT with a network already in place.

Tom Lee
Jr. Developer
at PNC
Java Developer
Everyone at Per Scholas, from administration to instructors and other learners - everyone was willing to help me and get me to the next stage. Everyone was so eager to help me.

Melika Arebo
Data Center Technician
Data Center
The one thing that really kept me going was my instructors. We had two female instructors and I was really intrigued by that because you don’t see women doing so well in tech every day. I was really motivated by them.

Kemazee Cooper
Support Technician Lead
at Capgemini
Atlanta, GA
Network Support
Per Scholas prepared me for situations I may see in the field as we went through a lot of scenarios, workshops, and labs.

Omari Brown
Business Analyst and Developer
at Capgemini
Atlanta, GA
Software Engineering
Per Scholas' training was the challenge that, at the end of the day, got me closer to my dreams.

Jennifer Rosas
at Capgemini
Columbus, OH
IT Support
Per Scholas is a great program. You come out either certified or with all the knowledge you could have possibly accrued. You have the foundation to be able to succeed. It works for everybody - it’s not something where you need to have a certain skill set before applying.

Lionel Youmbi
Junior Software Developer
at Capgemini
Charlotte, NC
Java Developer
A Per Scholas learner gains all the requirements for an entry level position. As a graduate, they have what they need to start a career - they can keep growing and learning.

Jordan Wofford
Full Stack Software Engineer
Software Engineering
I used to doubt myself and my abilities. I kept my focus on my training and the image of the person I wanted to become, and I overcame it. Today, I am a full-stack developer and I encourage anyone trying to break into tech to consider Per Scholas

Monique Little
Lead Security Assessor
Network Support
If someone had told me that this was where I would be now, I would never have believed them. I have a completely different outlook on life. My future is something that I never thought it could be.

Zobaria Ashraf
Team Lead
at TEKsystems
Baltimore, MD
Network Support
Within a few months, I changed from a person with the least-desired skills to one of the most sought-after employees. I have become someone my kids can look up to.

Rory Jackson
Infrastructure Tech Support
at Infosys
Plano, TX
Network Support
I found it so helpful to have learners helping each other and to be able to chat with our instructor in an approachable manner. The training was so positive.

Jessica Wright
PACS Support Analyst
at Corewell Health
Detroit, MI
Network Support
With Per Scholas, I am now breaking generational curses and creating wealth for my family.

Tammy Johnson
IT Support Engineer
at Google
Columbus, Ohio
Per Scholas taught me the skills and discipline to build a true technology-focused career. Today I work at Google, which is the most amazing outcome I can imagine. And you can bet I’m teaching my two sons how to thrive!

Ayana Dunlap
AVP of Operations and Info Tech
at Bank Policy Institute
National Capital Region
Network Support
Without the legwork that Per Scholas put in, I wouldn't have been able to get that position, so I’m super grateful.

Rachel Sokol
Junior Technical Instructor, Cybersecurity
at Per Scholas National Capital Region
Silver Spring, MD
It feels like I have a purpose. I have grown and changed so much. I tell people what I do, and they can’t believe me! They’re so impressed! I am proud to be one of the many individuals who are changing the face of tech.

Farquleet Fajar
Customer Trust Analyst
at Splunk
National Capital Region
A lot of things we learned at Per Scholas, you can directly apply to your job experience. We got great hands-on experience, and learned a lot about different fields of Cybersecurity.

Joovay Arias
Full Stack Software Engineer
Software Engineering
I peaked in my previous career and was ready for a change. I have always loved computer science but thought it was just for college kids out in California. But if you study hard, you can make it!

David Jarvis
EPIC Deployment Lead
Network Support
When you are interviewing a Per Scholas graduate, you already have someone who is committed and prepared for the work world and responsible for their time and availability.

Antwan Grant
at Capgemini
Atlanta, GA
Software Engineering
With my old skill set, no one would hire me. Since graduating from Per Scholas, I have had 5 people contact me for jobs right here in Atlanta.

Phillip Kinney
Coding Instructor
at Generation USA
Charlotte, NC
Java Developer
Per Scholas gave me a lot of confidence. I know that I would not have qualified for the role that I have now, from a technical perspective, without Per Scholas.

Angelica Dyson
Help Desk Representative
at Mechdyne Corp
End User Desktop Support
My experience at Per Scholas definitely led me down the path I was looking to go down as far as my career is concerned.

Olga Sannikov
Software Engineer
at Capgemini
New York
Software Engineering
At Per Scholas, we have real experience creating projects and working as a team and career development training. In this field, you always work with a team, so you have to be able to respect and work with your team members, and also be able to help them.

Aaron Webb
IT Implementation Analyst
at Tenaris
Pittsburgh, PA
End User Desktop Support
Learning to be a professional in a working environment, updating my resume, taking part in mock interviews - these all helped me to come out of training more comfortable in an interview than I ever was before. Once I got into my first network administration position, it was everything I was looking for in an IT job, and it was all things I learned, hands-on, at Per Scholas.

Antonio Cuevas
Network Support Technician
at Millennium Digital Technologies
Detroit, MI
IT Support
I wanted to really challenge myself mentally and prove to myself that I could do this, that I could go through this rigorous training and do something that was more important to me and in demand from employers…It’s put me in a better position. I’m in a whole new career and am so happy with my choice to attend Per Scholas!

Catherine Acevedo
Associate Engineer
at Nagarro
New York, NY
Per Scholas really changes lives! They give you all the tools to start a career, you just have to put in the work. I am so thankful to be a part of it.

Brandon Rodriguez
IT Service Desk Technician
at Creative Testing Solutions
Phoenix, AZ
End User Desktop Support
I knew I wanted to be in tech but I didn’t know where to start. Luckily, Per Scholas fell right into my lap at just the right time!

Elena Bilko
Project Manager
We did a lot of hands-on training and cybersecurity cases. By the time I graduated, I felt very confident and knew a lot of information to start in the industry. I feel confident speaking to someone that's been in tech and explaining my work.

Cristal Carter
Systems Analyst II
at Apex Systems
Chicago, IL
End User Desktop Support
It may be hard to start...but don’t give up! Learn as much as you can and excel in every role, gain that knowledge and experience because everything you learn is invaluable.

Jenell Weitz
Service Enablement Specialist
at S&P Global
Denver, CO
IT Support
The class really appealed to me because it focuses on soft skills as well as technical skills. The course helps you with interviewing, creating your resume, and job placement. I think soft skills are just as valuable as the hard IT skills I learned.

Kevin Rappe
System Engineer
at Cetrom Information Technology, Inc.
Baltimore, MA
IT Support
The teachers did a great job with keeping us engaged. Not just covering the material but going over labs, the ins and outs of why we were learning this information in the first place, and getting us as hands-on as possible over remote learning. They did a really impressive job and it worked very well.

Kalib Travis
Cybersecurity, IT Support
If you want to get an IT career started, Per Scholas is a great resource to use. The support is great and they will definitely get you to where you need to be.

Kashmir Waller
Desktop Support Technician
at Allegheny County Department of Human Services
Pittsburgh, PA
IT Support
Prior to Per Scholas, I wasn’t getting any job offers or having anyone really look at my skills or resume. But, since being in the program, the job offers were rolling in and I accepted one that I love!

Rashad Huntley
Service Desk Analyst
IT Support
It was a great experience to learn in person. Per Scholas was accommodating, and it was nice to know that there are tools for me to succeed.

Soma Majumder
IT Support Help Desk Technician
at NYC Department of Education
New York, NY
IT Support
If you are thinking of applying to Per Scholas, you should definitely do it! It will change your life and give you the foundation of an IT education…[IT] is such a vast and evolving field; there is so much opportunity and the sky is the limit.

Sheillah Ndeda Aligula
IT Coordinator I
at Artech Information Systems LLC
National Capital Region
IT Support
I knew that I would be able to find a good job and I am so, so grateful to the financial coaches, the instructors, and Per Scholas.

Yusuf Ahmad
Network Services Specialist
at CrossCom
Chicago, IL
End User Desktop Support
Not only was Per Scholas supportive insofar as they helped me get my education and certification, they also helped me apply and demonstrate that I have those skills.

Yulin Vang
End User Computing Analyst
at Novant Health
Charlotte, North Carolina
End User Desktop Support
I finished Per Scholas more confident than when I started. It really gave me a boost. I feel excited and confident going into my new position!

Travis McCullough
Contract Administrator
Atlanta, GA
IT Support
I saw online with Per Scholas that everything was straightforward and approachable with no fine print. Per Scholas was here to help me learn at no cost. There were no surprises.

Craig Johnston
Help Desk Support Technician
at Surge Staffing
Columbus, OH
IT Support
Per Scholas was an opportunity for me to get the certificates and free training for skills I didn't previously have that were preventing me from getting the jobs that I was applying for.

Diah Anggraini
IT Consultant
at Stellar Services
New York
IT Support
If I was an employer, I would hire a Per Scholas graduate because I know for sure they are loaded with the skills needed to do the job. They are ready to work once they graduate from Per Scholas. This is a great program!

Adam Wong
IT Support Specialist
at Wells Fargo
Phoenix, AZ
End User Desktop Support
We weren’t just learning things to learn them, we were learning things to understand them and utilize them in a real life work environment.

Andre Diaz
All of the opportunities that I saw that were available to Per Scholas learners seemed unmatched anywhere else. I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me, and something that would propel me towards my goals...Per Scholas would help me in doing that.

Kashena Miller
Service Desk (Tier 1) Technician
at CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield
Baltimore, MA
End User Desktop Support
I feel like I utilized every resource that was offered. The financial coaches, counselors…I am so grateful that I went to Per Scholas. The people that I met - the teachers, the staff - they are amazing…the support was incredible. It felt like a net of support all around you. I am so grateful for the experience. I hope that other people can get to experience how great Per Scholas is. It is much more than just a tech program!

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