Jennifer Rosas

Per Scholas is a great program. You come out either certified or with all the knowledge you could have possibly accrued. You have the foundation to be able to succeed. It works for everybody - it’s not something where you need to have a certain skill set before applying.
Jennifer Rosas, Per Scholas Graduate headshot for tech training




Columbus, OH

IT Support

Jenn had always been interested in technology; since she was little, she enjoyed tinkering with computers and learning what she could about them. She was working in sales when the Pandemic hit, and she decided to take her newfound free time to explore her long-time passion.

When Jenn first came across Per Scholas, she thought that the program seemed too good to be true, but she decided to take a leap of faith, quitting her job to pursue full-time training and launch a new career in tech.

She enjoyed her time at Per Scholas and the certifications that she earned, and she particularly treasures the close friendships she forged with her classmates, many of whom are still her friends today.

Jenn credits Per Scholas’s professional development team for helping her land and smoothly transition into her new role as an intern at Capgemini, straight out of Per Scholas. She plans to continue learning and growing throughout her internship, and to take some of Per Scholas’s alumni upskilling courses. She would eventually like to work as a video game developer and believes that the IT experience she has gained has set her on the right path towards achieving this goal.

“Per Scholas is a great program. You come out either certified or with all the knowledge you could have possibly accrued. You have the foundation to be able to succeed. It works for everybody, it’s not something you need to have a certain skill set before applying; they provide the skill set. It is just a great program and I hope it keeps going the way it’s going.”


Per Scholas graduate headshot

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A Per Scholas learner gains all the requirements for an entry level position. As a graduate, they have what they need to start a career - they can keep growing and learning.

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