Travis McCullough

I saw online with Per Scholas that everything was straightforward and approachable with no fine print. Per Scholas was here to help me learn at no cost. There were no surprises.
Per Scholas graduate, Travis, as someone who used the Learner Support Team.

Contract Administrator



Atlanta, GA

IT Support

Travis McCullough is a current Per Scholas learner who is about to graduate from his IT Fundamentals cohort after months of remote training.  Previously a paralegal, Travis decided to change career paths to dive further into technology, something he had an interest in before. He would listen to tech podcasts and watch videos to take apart his personal computers but did not have the time, affinity, or money to obtain a four-year degree.  

Once the pandemic hit and outside factors played into his decision to look into a tech career, he researched training options and came across Per Scholas. On his decision to apply to Per Scholas, Travis recalled, “I saw online with Per Scholas that everything was straightforward and approachable with no fine print. Per Scholas was here to help me learn at no cost. There were no surprises.”  

Upon his first week of training, Travis was notified of the different resources Per Scholas provides for its learners – one of which he took advantage of as his training progressed.  In an immersive, boot-camp style training, he noted that the hours were long and material was hard, but it was similar to when he was in the legal field – just different material.  Travis took advantage of Per Scholas’ Learner Support Team, supported with funding from the Anthem Foundation, and reached out to Devin Giles, a Learner Support Manager, to review his financial plan and scholarship opportunities.  From that moment on, they met every two weeks to review different resources for financial planning, test anxiety, study tools, and IT engagement.  Travis recalled the impact his Learner Support Team had on his experience: “It was exactly what I needed; more than what I came to them for. The entire process was awesome.” 

Travis has already acquired his Google IT certification, graduated from Per Scholas, tested for his CompTIA A+ certification, and started his career in technology – where he started with multiple job offers right away.  Travis is excited for his future and credits taking advantage of the professional development aspect of his course and the Learner Support Team to reaching this point of his newfound career path. Now, Travis is working at CBRE as a Contract Administrator.


Per Scholas graduate Craig Johnston

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Per Scholas was an opportunity for me to get the certificates and free training for skills I didn't previously have that were preventing me from getting the jobs that I was applying for.

Meet Craig Johnston

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