Per Scholas Achieves 100% Enrollment in WorkAdvance Study
At 10:36 this morning, we achieved 100% enrollment in the MRDC WorkforceAdvance study. Since 2011, Per Scholas has been part of the WorkAdvance study, and we’ve met our goal of 700 individuals enrolled into IT-Ready training in New York!
Per Scholas was competitively selected to participate in WorkAdvance, which incorporates tested sector-based employment strategies, one of our strengths, such as job coaching post-employment and other support services for graduates. WorkAdvance and its evaluation are funded through the federal Social Innovation Fund (SIF), an initiative enacted under the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act. Administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service, SIF is a public-private partnership designed to identify and expand effective solutions to critical social challenges.
WorkAdvance is part of the NYC Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) SIF project, led by CEO and the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City in collaboration with MDRC. In eight cities, the CEO SIF project is replicating, improving, and testing five antipoverty programs — including WorkAdvance — that draw on strategies with evidence of effectiveness in New York City and elsewhere.
While Per Scholas has enrolled 100% of its participants in WorkAdvance, the study will continue to follow participants for two years after enrollment.
WorkAdvance released a policy brief highlighting our work, which you can read by clicking here.
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