Per Scholas Featured in “Faces of Philanthropy” Technology Episode on PBS
Per Scholas was featured on the PBS series “Faces of Philanthropy” in the Technology episode that originally aired in the Tri-State area on January 31.
Per Scholas is featured as one of several tech companies with a social mission. The others represented are Omaze, an innovative online auction fundraising site, Charity Miles, where runners can earn donations for their charity of choice for every mile they run, Keen / Direct Relief / Standard Bank, who speak to a collaborative response to disaster relief, and B-Tech, a tech-career-pathway high school in Queens, New York.
The segment features President and CEO Plinio Ayala, Executive Director of Social Ventures Angie Kamath, and the New York classrooms in full action. Our signature partner Barclays also participated in the segment with a focus on graduate Michelle Harper-vanRabenswaay, the first graduate hired by Barclays, along with her supervisor.
Thank you to the ACE Foundation who provided additional footage to help us tell our story.
The full segment is available online to view.
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