Per Scholas Featured in TechHire Boston’s Premier Event
Earlier this month, Per Scholas Greater Boston was featured along with other selected tech training organizations in TechHire Boston’s premiere event that gathered over 200 business leaders, “The Massachusetts Advantage: Tapping Tech Diversity through Alternative Talent Pipelines”.
We are grateful to have had our new Greater Boston advisory board member, Gene Suzuki, CIO, EverQuote, participate on the keynote business panel moderated by Tom Hopcroft, President of Mass Technology Leadership Council (TLC).
Gene shared his thoughts and experience tapping into diverse tech talent sources and why it is important to do so. “We’ve found that having that diversity of different backgrounds, different opinions, different viewpoints does enrich EverQuote and we really are looking at the whole picture [when considering new employees].”
You can catch Gene and the full 17 minute business panel discussion in the video above (you can skip ahead to the 24 minute mark), with an opening from 2021 SIM Boston president Jackie Albrecht.
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