Tech Powered by Moms: Chantel Diaz

Chantel Diaz had recently been laid off from her job when she found out about Per Scholas. Unemployed with two children to take care of, she was in need of an opportunity. She had worked in the retail industry for more than ten years, and she had taken every opportunity to gain skills in technology. She mastered point-of-sale systems, QuickBooks, and was responsible for installing software on all of the store’s registers. She knew she loved technology, so Per Scholas was a perfect fit.

Chantel enrolled at Per Scholas ten months after losing her previous job, which had been a trying period for her and her family. While at Per Scholas, she faced the challenge of focusing on her studies while worrying about eviction and finding money to get to class every day. Per Scholas’ Financial Coach helped her access unemployment benefits, and through a partnership with the Community Service Society of New York, Chantel was able to receive a free monthly MetroCard.

“I was lucky to have a great support system at home – between my mom and husband,” Chantel recalls. “But with two children, one with special needs, and everything else going on, it was a really hard time.” She persevered and graduated, earning two industry-recognized certifications. Just two months later, she found contract work in Information Technology. Her tech career has just begun, and she’s excited to gain hands-on experience while she provides for her family.

Moms like Chantel across all five boroughs are looking to turn their love of technology into careers that can provide for their families. With your donation, Per Scholas will be ready for them.

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