West Coast, We’ve Arrived! Per Scholas Continues Nationwide Expansion
This May, Per Scholas expanded our presence to the West Coast as we successfully launched our first cohorts in Seattle and Phoenix, bringing our campus count to 17! This is a huge step as we work to advance economic equity through rigorous training for tech careers. With such strong tech markets and demand for talent in both cities, it was only a matter of time before Per Scholas made our mark on the west coast. Full-stack technology service provider TEKsystems is fueling these customized training tracks, with first cohorts focused on Java Development.
Plus, this month we announced that now, you can find Per Scholas across the nation, from Seattle to New York, with an upcoming expansion to Staten Island. Not only do we provide courses in high-demand fields, but we also partner with companies for a customized training program tailored to their individual needs to ensure our learners have access to job opportunities once they graduate.
For over 25 years, we have studied the tech industry, recognized its growth, and responded by providing companies with skilled learners that are diverse and passionate about technology. Per Scholas helps improve diversity in the tech industry as we expand and build equity in new communities, having already trained 14,000 diverse learners across the nation. With a graduation rate of 85%, and 80% of those graduates finding employment in tech within the first year after graduation, we are confident in our mission to diversify America’s tech workforce.
Learn more about all of our locations as we train learners coast to coast on our website.
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