Sang Cho
Chair & CEO
Cooperative Laundry

Sang Cho is the Chair & CEO of Cooperative Laundry (, the most technologically advanced commercial laundry services company to hospitality markets in the United States. Sang is also the Chair of Dunlop Mastclimbers (, a manufacturing and service provider delivering exterior facade access solutions to any building at any height.
Sang started in his family dry cleaning business in 2005 and grew it from a 20 employee, $2MM company to a 600+ employee, $50MM revenue company. Sang exited that business through a private equity transaction in 2013 and since embarked on investing in and operating Cooperative and Dunlop.
Sang served in the infantry of the United States Marine Corps including oversees deployments in Iraq and Kosovo, among others. Sang received his BA from Drew University and has been awarded various military awards, the Outstanding 50 Asian Americans in Business award as well as the Governor of New York’s Trailblazer award.