Partner Since
About the partnership
Since 2014, Salesforce has provided the technology, funding, and volunteers to expand Per Scholas both geographically and programmatically. Thanks to Salesforce’s generous support, Per Scholas has:
- Expanded our Software Engineering courses for diverse learners across six cities— Atlanta, Greater Boston, Cincinnati, Dallas, Newark, and New York City—equipping them with the technical and professional skills needed to launch Software Engineering careers, and also expand access to our demand-driven Software Engineering course, which prepares learners for careers in software design, engineering, and web development
- Launched CodeBridge, our original software engineering training partnership with General Assembly, in Atlanta, GA, training more than 90 individuals since 2017
- Opened our Greater Boston campus in 2019, where we have trained nearly 850 learners to date
- Provided learners with key professional insights through more than 50 corporate volunteer events engaging more than 600 Salesforce employees to support learners in New York, Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago and the National Capital Region
- Connected women learners at our New York campus to role models, mentors, and champions at Salesforce through a Women in Tech panel hosted and led by women employees of the company
- Been able to effectively record, track, and measure our training outcomes with our own highly customized Salesforce database—we are not just a philanthropic partner but have also been a happy customer of Salesforce services since 2012
Salesforce in News and Events
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