Kenneth Walker Featured in Bloomberg’s Juneteenth Article

This year, Congress announced Juneteenth as a federal holiday in America and put into action previous thoughts and consideration.  American businesses immediately found ways to celebrate this day on short notice, while some had already considered Juneteenth a holiday off from work.  Our Executive Vice President, Diversity and Operational Excellence, Kenneth Walker, commented on taking the day to celebrate and reflect on the meaning behind Juneteenth.

Per Scholas declared Juneteenth a holiday in our organization for the first time in 2020 to provide a time to reflect on the social justice movement at the start and heart of it all.  Kenneth Walker challenged other companies to do the same. “Over the past year there’s been a groundswell of commitments, pledges, and promises,” he said. “We like to challenge corporate America to put actions behind words.”


Read the full article here.

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