Per Scholas Detroit Graduate Terrell Hemphill Presents CSW Research Findings at the Southeast Michigan Workforce Leadership Academy

Earlier this year, Per Scholas Detroit IT Support graduate Terrell Hemphill was recruited to become a member of the 6-person advisory council for the Corporation for a Skilled Workforce’s (CSW) Worker-Centered Benchmarking Project (WCBP). 

The CSW is a national nonprofit focused on the creation of good jobs and highly skilled workers, and their WCBP project was designed to answer the following two questions: 1) How do we know if workforce programs are achieving their intended impact within the communities where they operate? 2) How do we know what communities want from workforce programs or even how success is defined?

Members of the advisory council conducted preliminary research, then held focus groups with workforce development participants from across the country. Terrell and one fellow advisory board member then presented their research and findings at the 2023 Southeast Michigan Workforce Leadership Academy. 

We are continuously thrilled and impressed by the many accomplishments of our Per Scholas graduates! Read the highlights of Terrell’s presentation here.

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