Per Scholas Participates in White House Ceremony Celebrating Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Sprint
On November 15, during National Apprenticeship Week, Per Scholas participated in a White House ceremony celebrating the Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Sprint. The event featured remarks from senior White House and agency officials including Deputy Secretary of Labor Julie Su and Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense John Sherman on the importance of Registered Apprenticeship in building a skilled and diverse cybersecurity workforce. The signing ceremony recognized a number of representatives from industry associations and training providers, including Per Scholas Chief Training Officer Jasmine Miller.
“National Apprenticeship Week reminds Americans of the tremendous benefits that Registered Apprenticeships provide to workers and employers,” said Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh. “A long-honored approach to educating workers and preparing them for stable careers, today’s Registered Apprenticeships are being revitalized here in the U.S. as a proven strategy that equips workers – especially women and other underrepresented and underserved communities – with marketable skills sought in high-demand industries.”
According to the 2022 Cybersecurity Skills Gap report, 60 percent of organizations struggle to recruit cybersecurity talent, more than half struggle to retain qualified people, and two in three agree that a shortage of cybersecurity candidates creates risk for their organization.
Per Scholas has been offering Cybersecurity training since 2016, first in New York, and today in more than half of our markets nationwide based on demand from both employer partners and learners alike. Yet, we see that our graduates have difficulty breaking into a cybersecurity career without hands-on job experience.
That’s why Per Scholas is so enthusiastic about participating in the Registered Apprenticeship Program, led by the United States Department of Labor. The proven earn-while-you-learn model aims to build a pipeline of skilled workers with a focus on underserved communities. The Registered Apprenticeship Program will enable Per Scholas to partner with employers over a longer on-ramp on 12 months that will provide training, on-the-job experience, and mentorship as a pathway to longer term career advancement. Eleven employer partners formally supported Per Scholas in the application process, with more expressing interest.
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