Per Scholas Recognized for its Role in Helping NYCHA Residents Launch Successful Careers in Tech
Per Scholas was recently recognized in the NYCHA Journal for its work in helping NYCHA residents launch successful careers in the tech field. Tech51 has partnered with NYCHA’s Office of Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES) since 2017 to support residents who are interested in tech careers but have been unable to access training and job placement support.
Tech51 places interested NYCHA residents with either Per Scholas or Pursuit, another workforce training organization. Nearly 270 NYCHA residents have now completed the Tech51 training, with the majority of graduates getting placed in IT-related jobs.
“Tech51 is an excellent entry point for NYCHA residents seeking info on various tech pathways,” said Josephine Melendez, Assistant Director for Adult Education and Training at REES. “This initiative gives both entry-level applicants, as well as those seeking to switch careers, the opportunity to hear firsthand from viable tech training partners. NYCHA REES has been at the forefront of this collaborative effort and looks forward to engaging more residents to consider this expanding industry.”
This article also features Per Scholas graduates Matthew Cespedes and Sam M’Backe, who have both been able to launch successful IT careers after completion of Per Scholas training.
Read the full article featuring Per Scholas here.
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