Per Scholas St. Louis Featured by Flyover Future
Per Scholas St. Louis is offering cost-free tech training to the St. Louis community in response to the many open tech jobs in the city. This campus launched at the beginning of April with the first Cybersecurity cohort to begin in June. Flyover Future featured an interview with Per Scholas St. Louis Managing Director Dr. Charlie Mackey, Jr., and Vice President of Communications Sara Luciano to learn more about Per Scholas.
On our expansion to St. Louis, Dr. Mackey mentioned, “One of the things we looked at was CompTIA’s April jobs report. St. Louis ranked seventh in the nation for the most new tech job postings. And after talking with some local employers and partners, cybersecurity seemed to be on the forefront. So that helped the decision to make our first cohort there around cybersecurity. Also, the alignment made sense because the Global Center for Cybersecurity is also located at Cortex Innovation Community.”
To learn more about our expansion to St. Louis and read the full feature, click here.
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