Tech Powered by Daughters: Mayra Lopez

Mayra lives in a small mobile home with her mom and six siblings. Her dad left when she was young, and her mom raised the family on her own. “My mom is my motivation,” she says. “She’s the reason I try to better myself.” Mayra’s interest in technology started in High School when her counselors recommended the field as a possible career path. She enrolled in technology classes, earning two certifications. When she graduated high school this year, she was eager to find an opportunity to learn more.
When Mayra enrolled in Per Scholas, she had to learn to juggle her studies with her family responsibilities. “My mom just had surgery, so I have to take on many of her duties, such as picking up my brother from school and making sure the bills are paid,” she explains. “This means I have a little less time to study, but I try to manage and prioritize what is important.” She loves the classroom environment and has benefitted from the diversity and age differences among her classmates. “I can learn from them,” she says.
As Mayra looks ahead to her graduation in December, she is excited have a third industry-recognized certification, and looking forward to finding an entry level position in IT. She is also happy to be a role model in her family. “I feel like I’m guiding my other siblings in the right direction,” she says. “I’m excited to be able to help provide financial support for my family and start paying bills.”
Across Columbus, sisters like Mayra are looking for ways to set an example for their siblings and support their families. With your donation, Per Scholas will be ready for them.
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