Tech Powered by Families: Kurtis Ashton

Kurtis’ Dad was a U.S. Army Sergeant who launched a career in IT following his career in the Armed Forces. As a military brat Kurtis was always shadowing Dad’s work at home. Kurtis, always curious and eager to learn, took apart his first computer at age six while stationed in Schweinfurt, Germany.
While Kurtis longed to enter the service like his father and grandfather, he was prevented by his epilepsy, which caused issues with convulsions but memory loss, and limited his opportunities. After two successful neurological surgeries, Kurtis acquired his Driver’s license and sought a career within the IT industry. Having worked mainly in security and corrections, Kurtis needed to find a way to gain training and experience in his desired field.
Kurtis found Per Scholas online. “Eager for a second opportunity in life,” he diligently enrolled. He became known to many for studying from the time the doors opened until the doors closed. He recalls reminding himself of the famous phrase of his Per Scholas Instructor, Delrae McNeil: “Don’t freak out.” He says, “the philosophy Delrae provided is one that I will hold with me throughout my career in IT”.
Today, Kurtis is a Technical Consultant with a family-owned computer business. Giving back to the community, he also takes part in many local events for those who struggle with Epilepsy and learning disabilities, frequently referring them to Per Scholas. “Remember that can’t should not be a word in your dictionary,” says Kurtis. “You can do whatever you put your mind to, and if you work hard enough you can succeed.”
Making his family proud with his continuing achievements, Kurtis was able to pay off his recent wedding in August 2018, and he plans to buy a home next September.
Across Cincinnati, ambitious professionals like Kurtis are making their families proud by embarking on technology careers. Thanks to your donation, Per Scholas will be ready for them.
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