Per Scholas President and CEO Plinio Ayala Featured in New York Times with OneTen

Per Scholas CEO Plinio Ayala was recently featured in the New York Times article profiling OneTen’s equity-for-all diversity initiatives. Plinio shared his agreement for eliminating degree-based job requirements and how skills-based hiring and promotion can benefit all workers.

More than 60 percent of all American workers do not have four-year college degrees, so converting to a skills-based hiring system can be valuable to all companies looking for talent.

Read the rest of the article here!

Per Scholas Chief Enterprise Solutions Officer Damien Howard Featured in Triple Pundit Article on AI in 2024

In a recent Triple Pundit article, Per Scholas’ Chief Enterprise Solutions Officer Damien Howard shared his thoughts on how organizations must invest in learning, embracing, and upskilling staff in AI in order to future-proof their operations. “AI can increase efficiency by 30 percent, at minimum, in certain areas,” Howard said. “Companies have an immediate opportunity to become more efficient with less of a financial investment.” AI is not perfect, however, and Damien raises concerns about potential biases in AI systems – highlighting the importance of having diverse teams involved in development and implementation to ensure equitable outcomes.


Read the rest of Damien’s assessment of AI in the workplace here.

Per Scholas Technologists Discuss Creating a More Diverse Workforce in The Muse Article

Four Per Scholas alumnae were interviewed and featured in an article for The Muse, the first values-based career platform, helping individuals connect with jobs, companies, and careers that align with their core values and priorities.

Anita Bailey, Rumana Syed, Fabianna Rodriguez-Mercado, and Misty Branch all underscored the need to diversify the tech workforce and how Per Scholas is doing so through our no-cost training, where a third of our learners are women and 85% are people of color.

“Tech is an industry that’s evolving and will continue evolving,” Rodriguez-Mercado says. “We need more women and underrepresented communities to be part of these conversations.”

Read the full article for The Muse here!



Per Scholas Columbus Featured on Out N About Columbus

Per Scholas Columbus was featured on a recent Out N About Columbus segment on Sunday, August 20. The show focuses on events, entertainment, and travel around Columbus, and often has segments dedicated to important happenings around town. 

On the segment, “Learn Something New,” hosts Mike Killburn and Renee Joseph discussed different topics, including Per Scholas Columbus’s technology training. Per Scholas Columbus Managing Director Jenn Fowler Howard underscored the importance of tech training in Columbus and the power of our learners. In her interview, highlighted the ways Per SCholas eliminates barriers, helping unlock potential for learners and alumni to launch thriving careers. Watch the full feature here, starting at timestamp 9:23!


Per Scholas Greater Boston Technologists Thriving with MassTLC Member Companies

Earlier in August, MassTLC featured Per Scholas Greater Boston in an article for their member companies, Investing in Success: The Power of Hiring Per Scholas Alumni. The article showcased two Per Scholas Greater Boston technologists that have launched their tech careers with MassTLC member companies. 

Fabio Benoit, a Technical Support Analyst within the Analytics Department at Bullhorn Inc. graduated from the Software Engineering Full Stack Developer cohort in March 2022. Hiba Abbaker, who graduated from the AWS re/Start training in January 2021 and is now working at Slalom_Build as a Platform Engineer, was also featured in the article. 

Fabio and Hiba are two of the more than 600 Per Scholas Greater Boston graduates that have started their careers in tech from trainings including Software Engineering, AWS re/Start, IT Support, Cybersecurity, and more. In collaboration with partners including MassTLC and their member companies, Per Scholas technologists are launching their careers in tech, and unlocking potential for themselves, their companies, and the Greater Boston community. 


Per Scholas Chief Training Officer Jasmine Miller Pens Op-Ed for Atlanta Journal-Constitution

August 26th marked Women’s Equality Day, and Jasmine Miller’s Opinion piece, “Tech Fields Need More of a Woman’s Touch,” focuses on the need for women’s insight and experience in tech.

Jasmine Miller mentions from her perspective, “Just as diverse teams fuel innovation, better manage risk and create products that cater to a broader audience, so too does diversity drive better results, decisions and products when it comes to technology. Women bring a unique set of experiences, insights and solutions. In a world increasingly driven by technology, omitting women’s perspectives is not just a question of equity but of missed potential.”

Read more from Jasmine’s perspective.

Per Scholas’s Expansion to Houston’s Ion District Highlighted in the Houston Business Journal

Per Scholas has received a warm welcome to the Houston community, where we will be launching our first cohort this October at our new campus in Houston’s Ion District. 

Our expansion to Houston’s Ion District was featured in the Houston Business Journal – read Sofia Gonzalez’s article here!


Per Scholas Houston’s New Campus in Houston’s Ion District Featured in Community Impact

We are thrilled that the launch of our new Per Scholas Houston campus was featured in Community Impact!

Read the article.

Per Scholas Baltimore’s Training and Development Featured in

Per Scholas Baltimore, led by Managing Director Jessica Diaz Council, was featured in Baltimore, highlighting their skills training and professional development aspects. The Baltimore campus holds mock interviews and headshot lounge sessions in addition to our tuition-free tech training.

The article also noted Per Scholas Baltimore’s efforts to close the diversity gap in tech and recent Bank of America Neighborhood Builders award and featured alumna LaLonnie Moseley’s story.

Read the full story here!

Per Scholas New York Managing Director Debbie Roman Talks Tech Training & Talent Development on NY1

Per Scholas New York Managing Director Debbie Roman discussed our tuition-free tech training on NY1, the 24-hour news network dedicated to NYC, with anchor Ruschell Boone. In her interview, Debbie shared information about Per Scholas’ footprint in New York and our accessibility to individuals in all five boroughs through our innovative satellite training model. She also reflected on how diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are at the core of Per Scholas and is reflective of the community and culture that lives in New York City.

The feature was during a Women Wednesday segment, where Debbie was highlighted as a woman leader, and she reflected on her 15-year career in workforce development following her move from Puerto Rico.

Watch Debbie’s interview here!

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