First Pinning Ceremonies of 2012
The week of January 23, 2012 saw back to back pinning ceremonies at Per Scholas, celebrating the hard work and achievements of two new graduating classes of IT students. Both classes launched last fall and completed at least 15 weeks of rigorous, hands-on technology training and certification test preparation. One of them was comprised primarily of U.S. veteran students, in a program funded by Microsoft.
The pinning ceremony is a Per Scholas tradition that marks the transition from students to alumni and the beginning of a new chapter in life. In addition to receiving pins and certificates to honor their completion of the program, graduates take a career pledge and “pass the torch” by lighting candles symbolizing their commitment to helping others.
The Cycle 13 class was especially honored to welcome Aaron Glover, Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, who spoke about the special challenges and strengths of veterans reintegrating into the civilian world.
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