Per Scholas Seattle Celebrates 16 Software Engineering Graduates

On July 14th, Per Scholas Seattle hosted its first in-person graduation celebration, honoring the 16 technologists from their very first Software Engineering cohort. 

Per Scholas Seattle Managing Director Brian McRae welcomed graduates, alumni, colleagues, and partners and reflected on Per Scholas Seattle’s impact since launching in May 2021.  He also inspired our newest Per Scholas Seattle alumni to embrace their bright futures in tech. This cohort joins the more than 230 Per Scholas Seattle alumni trained in a variety of skills including IT Support, Software Engineering, Java Development, and Cybersecurity.  

“I couldn’t be more pleased with these graduates. From week one they exhibited such rare camaraderie and it was extremely exciting to watch them grow and develop throughout the program in such a collaborative way,” stated Brian McRae. “The graduation ceremony marked a very important milestone for Per Scholas Seattle.  Being our first one, we wanted to make it extra special by having it at the Seattle Jobs Initiative’s beautiful space which overlooks the Puget Sound, Olympic Mountains, and downtown Seattle.  It ended up being a wonderful, unforgettable day for this momentous occasion,” he reflected. 

The graduation ceremony consisted of remarks and reflections from distinguished guests and encouraging words from Mariama Suwaneh, M.A., Assistant Director of the Office of Equity and Human Rights for the City of Tacoma; Jae Taylor, Founder & CEO at Mentor Mesh; Community Partner Remarks from Kevin Bromer, Ballmer Group; and Per Scholas Chief Development Officer Caitlyn Brazill. 

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