Three IT Support Students Answer What Brought Them to Per Scholas to #LearnTech
When you take a look inside a classroom at Per Scholas, no two students look the same. Take a deeper look and you will discover that our students educational and professional backgrounds are just as diverse. For some, technology is a hobby that they wanted to turn into a career. For others, technology is an industry they have always hoped to explore. Each and every student took a different path in life that led them to Per Scholas. We asked three IT Support students:
“What brought you to Per Scholas to #LearnTech?”
Daquan Dennison, 19
“Before Per Scholas, I was in a sales associate position at Uniqlo. My mom came to my room one time and showed me a list of programs that were free for me to do. One of those programs was Per Scholas. I decided why not since I love technology.” Daquan’s parents have always been involved in technology which led him to become fascinated with it as well. Daquan started his tech education with the IT Support class to obtain two certifications, A+ and Network+. He knows that acquiring both will make him more marketable to employers. Although Daquan has to commute from Brooklyn to Bronx to study at Per Scholas, he is determined to learn tech so that one day he can become a video game developer.
Maggy Ureña, 30
“I learned about Per Scholas, actually, at my last job. I was linking some members to your tax program. I found out what you guys do and was like, ‘Oh my gosh. That’s right in my neighborhood.’” Everyone is somewhat tech savvy these days, but Maggy knew how to setup internet, printers, and troubleshoot before coming to Per Scholas. However, days of work would be lost if the internet went down. As the go-to person in the office for technical issues, Maggy wanted to be able to help coworkers more and was motivated to study technology. Maggy says the professional development at Per Scholas set a serious tone that made the class aware of what is expected of them in the workforce. IT Support was suggested to Maggy as a great foundation for the tech sector. Next up, Maggy hopes to go into cloud computing or train at the Cognizant Bronx Training Center with Platform by Per Scholas.
Enrique Cruz, 28
“I used to work at a book publishing company and my position unfortunately got outsourced. I had to start making decisions about my future. So, instead of getting a new job, I decided to come to Per Scholas to further my career.” Enrique has been a gamer most of his life and used to repair gaming consoles when he was younger. He always wanted to learn more about technology and has done just that. Enrique looked into other programs at Per Scholas, but says CodeBridge and Cyber Security did not seem like courses you could just jump into without any tech knowledge. He ultimately chose IT Support to get his foot in the door of the tech sector. Enrique hopes to start working right away after dedicating so much time to the program. He says he definitely plans to study cyber security in the future and would prefer it be with Per Scholas.
In July 2017, Per Scholas enrolled its 7,000th student. Whether it be a referral or a curious mind that leads to our website, something continues to bring individuals that are eager to begin a career in technology through our doors. Per Scholas would not be as successful as it is today without our talented, motivated students who come to class every day ready to learn tech.
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