Per Scholas IT Support Pre-Work

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Our instructional design team has pulled together Optional Pre-Work for learners in IT Support or Equivalent courses to ensure learners are prepared with the skills, abilities, and opportunities for success in courses that do not require existing knowledge. This is not required for enrollment with Per Scholas but is highly recommended due to the fast-paced, rigorous nature of our bootcamp-style training.


Optional IT Support Pre-Work:

Most Recommended:

  • GCF Computer Basics Course (4 hours) This prework tutorial will help you understand how computers work and how to use them. You will learn how to set up a computer, the difference between hardware and software, and the types of computers you can use. You will also explore operating systems, applications, the cloud, and much more.


  • General Technology Training If you are new to computers, haven’t used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, we have the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed. The course is self-paced and offered at no cost. 
  • Basic Computer Skills Course The Basic Computer Skills Course is available to provide training in common computer skills that can be used in your everyday lives. Each chapter contains online modules featuring learning activities followed by a knowledge check. The course is self-paced and offered at no cost. 
  • LinkedIn Learning: Working with Computers and Devices Learn about the different hardware parts that make up a computer. Explore the fundamentals of working with operating systems and applications and how to keep your computer secure. Plus, learn to work with essential productivity programs like word processors and spreadsheet tools. Follow along and learn the technical skills you need to succeed in our digital world. The course is self-paced and offered at no cost. 



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