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Photo of Per Scholas Learners in Class

Per Scholas Perspectives

Partnering for Impact: The Per Scholas Satellite Model

In our boldest experiment yet, the Per Scholas Satellite Model, in partnership with Barclays, offers remote instruction from Per Scholas’s Bronx or Brooklyn campus to learners in attendance at a partner organization’s location, and taps into the organization’s continually growing relationships with businesses seeking diverse and well-prepared tech talent.

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Remote Learning Zoom screen

Per Scholas Perspectives

Clear Connections

Per Scholas partnered with Barrow Street Consulting, LLC (BSC) to lead an evaluation of our remote learning pivot from 2020. One year later, BSC repeated its collection and analysis of implementation data and began studying outcomes for the remote learners we had enrolled to date. It had found significant improvements in graduation, certification, and job attainment between 2020 and early 2021. Read the full brief paper on our remote learning here.

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