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Per Scholas Perspectives

Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Apprenticeships Are the Answer

As the digital economy grows, so do cyber threats. The U.S. faces nearly 460,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs, leaving companies vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated attacks. This shortage isn't just an inconvenience—it's a constant crisis. The solution is clear: we need more effective and inclusive training programs, like the cybersecurity apprenticeships offered by Per Scholas.

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Per Scholas Perspectives

Expanded Insights from the SIM Women Leadership Summit 2024: Shaping a Diverse Future in Leadership

Per Scholas' Chief Revenue Officer, Caitlyn Brazill, presented at the SIM Women Leadership Summit, which explored the multifaceted challenges and opportunities in advancing diversity within tech leadership. Here, Caitlyn discusses her takeaways from the event and the ways in which Per Scholas will actively continue to play a part in diversifying tech leadership

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Per Scholas Perspectives

House Committee Brings Long-Awaited Workforce Changes Into 2024

Just before the new year, some remarkable action happened in Congress. Two bipartisan bills succeeded past the House Committee on Education & the Workforce, both aimed at increasing opportunities for Americans to get the skills employers need for our economies to thrive. We are excited about the movement of these two bills because it is a step in the right direction for America’s workforce—but there is still more work to be done.

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Per Scholas Perspectives

Per Scholas Cyber Apprenticeships: Nationally Needed, Locally Ready to Close Talent Gaps

On the last day of July, the White House and the Office of the National Cyber Director announced a National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy (NCWES) unique in vision and approach at a time where there are over 755,000 Cybersecurity jobs open in the United States. At Per Scholas, we applaud the administration in accelerating its focus on the cyber workforce across sectors, along with the organizations who have made commitments to support this effort - ranging from the National Security Agency (NSA) to Microsoft to MassBay Community College.

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Jasmine Miller headshot

Per Scholas Perspectives

Tearing the Paper Ceiling: Let Skills Shine

For too long, skills have been overlooked and undervalued in the American hiring process, relying on proxies for preparedness in place of proof of preparedness. That’s why I’m so proud of our friends at Opportunity@Work for their unwavering commitment to rewire the labor market so that everyone can contribute their skills, talent, and energy in pursuit of a better life, an equitable America, and a stronger economy for all. 

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