Unlock Your Potential

We connect learners and alumni with opportunities to succeed and thrive in technology careers. Share your info, and we’ll email details about courses in your area. Opportunities available for those with or without prior tech experience.


What is Per Scholas?

Per Scholas is a national non-profit providing tuition-free tech career training. Thanks to our donors and corporate partners, courses are always offered at no charge to our learners -no cost, no catch.


  • Tuition-Free Training

    Receive hands-on learning and mentorship to prepare for the job, industry-recognized certifications (paid for by us), and your career.

  • Learner Support

    Learners work with the Learner Support team to gain financial control and design success plans for personal goals, wellness and more.

  • Dedicated Career Coaches

    20% of our curriculum focuses on Professional Development with opportunities for mock interviews, resume refreshes, and other Job Search prep support with opportunities for one-on-one coaching now and after you graduate.

  • Job Connections

    Learners are connected to a network of 20k+ alumni and 850+ employer partners across the country.

Most Common Questions About Per Scholas

What does Per Scholas cost?

Per Scholas courses are 100% cost-free to the learner. There are no fees before, during, or after. We cover tuition, materials, and the cost of certifications when applicable. However, since our training is full-time, and requires strict attendance and a commitment to studying, there is an opportunity cost – time, transportation (when in-person), meals, and in some cases, professional business attire.

What is the attendance policy?

Per Scholas requires a Monday through Friday full time (typically 9 am-5 pm) commitment. On average, you can expect a commitment of 30-40 hours in-class and 20 hours (3 hours a day) out of class studying.

If I don't live close to a Per Scholas location, can I still join a course offered by that campus?

No. For classes tied to a physical Per Scholas campus, we require candidates to live within a commutable distance to best facilitate our professional development and support in helping you secure full time employment. We do have National Remote training courses open to applicants from any US city; however, these are based on employer demand so start dates and requirements may not be consistent throughout the year.

What are the Learner Requirements?

In general, learners must:

  • Be 18 or older
  • Have HS diploma/equivalent or higher
  • Have a Passion for technology
  • Must be able to provide proof of valid U.S. work authorization
  • Be able and committed to launching their career immediately following training
  • Have the ability commit to full time training (40 hours per week) + Study Time (20+ hours per week)

See specific requirements by class on the individual course pages.

What is the Admissions Process?

Admissions Process

Our admissions process varies by campus and course but here is what you can generally expect. After you complete an application, you’ll learn about the admissions process for your specified course and campus. For instance, some courses require a technical assessment and certain campuses require a background check.

Are there Online courses?

Yes. We do have classes that are online/remote. Whether remote or in-person all of our classes are live and instructor-led with strict attendance policies. The individual course pages will tell you if the course is delivered in person or remotely. Additionally, for classes tied to a physical Per Scholas campus, we require candidates to live within a commutable distance to best facilitate our professional development and support in helping you secure FT employment.

Does Per Scholas pay me?

Per Scholas provides small financial assistance stipends to learners in specific courses or based on individual learner need on a limited basis. We do not pay learners a full hourly or annual salary. This is because we offer up to $15k of cost-free training to each learner and 2 years of additional training opportunities, coaching, and professional development.

Are there weekend or evening options for new Learners?

Since our training is live, instructor-led courses we have a strict Monday-Friday full-time schedule during daytime hours. At this time we do not have weekend or evening classes available. Some people are able to coordinate with current employers for more flexible scheduling with night/weekend shifts but we know it isn’t possible for everyone.

What if I don’t have a Laptop?

During the admissions process, we will assess each candidate’s needs on a case-by-case basis. For remote learners that do not have sufficient tech access, we do have limited supplies of loaner equipment.

Does Per Scholas help me land a job?

The goal of all of our training is to help you secure/obtain employment and take the next step in your tech career. We work with you throughout the training on technical skills and professional development. Once you complete your course, we will help connect you with opportunities at employer partners and provide ongoing career coaching. While 80% of our grads land jobs after the training, we do not guarantee a job.

Can I take a course if I have already completed another one?

If you want to take another Per Scholas course, we ask that you wait at least a year after graduation to apply. This will allow you to gain some real world experience!

Explore Courses


What Alumni Say

Per Scholas Graduate
Per Scholas' training was the challenge that, at the end of the day, got me closer to my dreams.

Meet Omari Brown

Jennifer Rosas, Per Scholas Graduate headshot for tech training
Per Scholas is a great program. You come out either certified or with all the knowledge you could have possibly accrued. You have the foundation to be able to succeed. It works for everybody - it’s not something where you need to have a certain skill set before applying.

Meet Jennifer Rosas

Christopher Rivera, Per Scholas Graduate headshot
After Per Scholas, I was suddenly getting interviews because Per Scholas is well-known and reputable. It has been night and day in terms of the difference between before and after Per Scholas.

Meet Christopher

Per Scholas Graduate, Tara Jacobs, headshot
I was able to build on my mindset, my character, and my technical skills. I am grateful for Per Scholas in many ways.

Meet Tara

Per Scholas Graduate Headshot
I don’t know any other course that does this; we were introduced into the world of IT with a network already in place.

Meet Rachael

Monique Little
If someone had told me that this was where I would be now, I would never have believed them. I have a completely different outlook on life. My future is something that I never thought it could be.

Meet Monique

As a single parent, I wasn’t making enough money to afford to go to a coding boot camp. When I found Per Scholas, it challenged me, and though it wasn’t easy, it was worth it. I graduated debt-free and could be an example to my daughter.

Meet Shante Austin

Rachel Powe, Per Scholas Graduate, Headhshot
During my training at Per Scholas there was a ton of support, especially from the other women and other non-traditional learners that also had the same thoughts I had. They told me it’s not too late to go into doing what you really want to do.

Meet Rachel Powe

Per Scholas graduate headshot of woman graduate
Per Scholas really set the pace; it was so rigorous and fast-paced that I can go right into this job and keep up.

Meet Stephanie Stevenson

Per Scholas helped me to discover both a career path and how to have a work-life balance so that I could spend time with my loved ones.

Meet Matt Yamarino

Per Scholas Graduate, Andre Yates, who is now a software developer
As I was applying and going through interviews, there was a gap between where my college education brought me and where companies expected me to know things about the technology industry. Per Scholas taught me so much that I wasn’t able to learn in school.

Meet Andre Yates

Per Scholas Graduate Headshot for Sara Pena
You can teach someone how to code, but you cannot teach passion or drive, and that is what my Per Scholas colleagues and I have.

Meet Sara Peña

Haaji Peace Headshot
Considering candidates like me who trained through alternative routes motivates me to work hard and gain experience on the job. Graduates like me want to grow in our careers.

Meet Haaji Peace

Per Scholas Graduate Jarred Gaines has a headshot for our website.
Per Scholas gave me a restart in life and it allowed me to rebuild that confidence and enter a field where I can make a competitive income to sustain myself in Boston.

Meet Jarred Gaines

Sadaf Haroon, Per Scholas Graduate Headshot
Per Scholas made it easier for me to learn and now I am an earning member of my family. What can be greater than that?

Meet Sadaf Haroon

Autumn Truong, Per Scholas graduate, in a sweater and professional attire.
I learned a lot of things, and I feel like I was able to grow, not just professionally, but as a person.

Meet Autumn Truong


Read More Stories


Systems Support

IT Support

IT Support offers the opportunity to earn the Google IT Support Professional Certificate and the CompTIA A+ certification, equipping you with the knowledge to fill a wide range of entry-level technology jobs. Recommended starting point for learners with no previous tech work experience or coursework.

Certifications CompTIA A+, Google IT Support Professional Certificate

Available in: Atlanta, Baltimore, Buffalo, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Greater Boston, Greater Cincinnati, Houston, Indianapolis, Kansas City, Los Angeles, National Capital Region, New York, Newark, North Carolina, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Pittsburgh Area, Seattle, St. Louis


IT Support

This course is currently offered in select locations. Candidates must live within commutable distance of the Per Scholas location to be eligible.


AWS re/Start

This course is currently offered in select locations. Candidates must live within commutable distance of the Per Scholas location to be eligible.


Cybersecurity Analyst

Cybersecurity Analyst offers the opportunity to earn the Cybersecurity Analyst Certification (CySA+) and Splunk Core Certified User Certification, equipping you with fundamental concepts in security specialties and hands-on training to enter this ever growing field as a cybersecurity analyst. Previous tech work experience or education preferred.

Certifications CompTIA CySA+, Splunk Core Certified Power User

Available in: Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Detroit, Greater Boston, Greater Cincinnati, Houston, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, New York, Newark, North Carolina, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh Area, Seattle, St. Louis


Cybersecurity Analyst

This course is currently offered in select locations. Candidates must live within commutable distance of the Per Scholas location to be eligible.


Software Engineer

This course is currently offered in select locations. Candidates must live within commutable distance of the Per Scholas location to be eligible.

Software Engineering

Full Stack Java Development

This 15-week Full Stack Java Development course provides learners the foundations to learn or advance their Java knowledge with the critical skills needed to excel in contemporary web development using the Java SE and EE frameworks. This course is not offered on a continuous basis. Previous knowledge recommended.

Available to learners within the United States who do not live in the area of Columbus (OH), the National Capital Region, or the states of IL, KS, KY, MD, AR, DE, ND, RI, WY, AL, IA, or OK.

Systems Support

Salesforce Administrator

Salesforce Administrator will provide learners with the opportunity to earn the Salesforce Administrator certification and a variety of Salesforce Trailhead Badges through rigorous remote training covering a variety of topics to prepare for entry-level Salesforce Administrator roles. This course is not offered on a continuous basis. Suitable for all levels.

Certifications Salesforce Administrator Certification

Available in: Atlanta, Baltimore, Dallas, Greater Boston, Greater Cincinnati, New York, North Carolina, Pittsburgh Area, Seattle


Salesforce Administrator

This course is currently offered in select locations. Candidates must live within commutable distance of the Per Scholas location to be eligible.

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Questions? Contact Us!

Have an admissions question? Ask an admissions team member

Phone: 718-991-8400


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This course is only offered at select Per Scholas locations. Choose a location to get the most accurate course information.